How can I get more
from my membership?


The Lotus Drivers Club, since its inception in 1977, has operated by the mantra of being “the friendly club, run by members, for the members.” The Club, therefore, relies almost entirely on its enthusiastic volunteers, helping out, and bringing new skills and ideas to enhance Club membership, all whilst having fun.

The Club is all about a strong community, and it has always been part of the ethos of the Club to support our members. The sense of camaraderie and of improving other enthusiasts’ enjoyment of Lotus ownership can be profoundly rewarding but volunteering isn’t just about helping out, though – it’s also a great way of improving your own enjoyment and we’d like to think that there are one or two perks along the way for those who are willing to help out and get stuck in.

The good news is that whilst it’s true that the more you volunteer for the Club, the more benefits you’ll derive from your membership, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take large amounts of time out of your life.

Volunteering is one of the best ways to meet new people and make new friends. Our volunteers come from all walks of life and levels of experience. It can broaden your support network, connecting you to people with common interests and technical know-how. Volunteering your time can have a positive impact on not just your community, but also on your health.

Volunteering can offer a great opportunity to take a break from working life, while still being able to learn new skills. It will give you an insight into how your skills can be used in a different environment, and make you more employable.

To be able to offer the best services, the Club can only go as far as we get it to go. That is why we ask our members to contribute so that we can build a better Club and together make it into what you envision it should be.

Role of an Area Organiser (AO)

An area organiser for the Lotus Drivers Club is a focal point for members in the locality or those passing through the locality. The amount of time required by the role can be as little as an hour a week. If you wish to do more then as much time as you can spare. What you need to get out of the role is ‘fun’. You are the person who has agreed to be the focal point in the area. At the very least you should be doing the things you want to do when you want to do them. Find out more about joining us as an Area Organiser - Role of an Area Organiser (AO)

How do I get involved?

Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you! You can approach your local Area Organiser directly and offer your support or enrol on the Club’s growing list of volunteers. This list aims to catalogue the willing volunteers within the Club alongside their skills so that when a particular event or task comes along, we can find you, match you to the role and put you in touch with someone to assist you in getting started.

Meet the 2023/24 Committee

Chris Tresadern-Jones

Chris Tresadern-Jones

Vice Chairman, Digital & Social
Exige V6 Cup

Chris joined the Committee in 2009 at the age of 22 shortly after purchasing his first Lotus, an Elan M100. Since then Chris has been committed to bringing the Club into the 21st century, implementing a modern website, cloud productivity tools, a membership platform and popular social media channels.

Chris also works alongside the magazine team, creating and designing content for Chicane and in 2023 accepted the role of Vice Chairman.

Ken Waylett

Ken Waylett

Chairman & Partnership Lead
Elise 240 Sport FE

Ken joined the Lotus Drivers Club in 2017, along with his wife Clara, after visiting the Club stand at the Classic Motor Show at the NEC. The following year they attended their first Club tour to Scotland for the NC500 and ever since have been hooked.

In 2021 Ken joined the Committee as Partnership Lead and has been instrumental in building lasting connections with Club Partners, most notably Lotus Cars. In 2023 Ken accepted the role of Chairman, dedicated to continuing the evolution of the Club during its next period.

Clara Waylett

Clara Waylett

Advertising & PR
Elise 240 Sport FE

Joining the Committee in 2018 to help maintain the Club’s busy administration, Clara has since taken on the role of Public Relations and most recently Advertising in 2021.

Alongside this and whilst enjoying numerous Club events and tours throughout the year, Clara is heavily involved in the organisation of the indoor show at the NEC in November.

Natasha Tresadern-Jones

Natasha Tresadern-Jones

Chicane Editor
Exige V6 Cup

Natasha joined the Committee in 2009, along with her husband, Chris. Originally joining as the Club’s first official Photographer at the age of 19, Natasha quickly became involved in the running and modernisation of the Club’s membership system, becoming Membership Secretary in 2010.

In 2019 Tash stepped into the new role of Deputy Editor before eventually becoming Editor in 2020, picking up the mantle from the previous Editor, David Tillyer. In the last 2 years Chicane has increased in size, quality, print distribution and volume.

Janine Markham

Janine Markham

Club & Membership Secretary
Elise S1

Janine has been a member of the Lotus Drivers Club since 2010 alongside her husband Russell who owns his own Elise S1 and an Exige 350 70th edition.

In late 2018 Janine joined the Committee as Club Secretary documenting all meetings and assisting the Chairman. In addition in 2021, Janine became Joint Membership Secretary to assist in the administration of the Club’s membership system.

Jennie Wilson

Jennie Wilson

Tour Coordinator
Exige 350 Sport

Jennie, along with her husband Richard, has been a member of the Lotus Drivers Club since the early 2000s, first joining the Committee in 2005 responsible for Advertising.

Jennie and Richard have been organising popular and relaxed annual Club tours since 2009 and since 2013 Jennie has been the Club’s official Tour Coordinator. Tour destinations have included the South of Ireland (‘11), Angoulême (‘12), Le Mans (‘16), NC500 (‘17), Pyrenees (‘18), Northumberland & Scottish Lowlands (‘21), Somerset (‘22) and Germany (‘23).

Katie Mayhew

Katie Mayhew

Regalia & Merchandise
Exige 350 Sport

Katie joined the Committee in 2020 and has been instrumental in the procurement and implementation of the Club’s new online regalia and merchandise shop.

Katie also organises the Club's attendance at the Silverstone Festival during the summer which in 2023 welcomed a record number of members and Lotus owners.

Phil Mayhew

Phil Mayhew

Regalia & Merchandise
Exige 350 Sport

After joining the Lotus Drivers Club in 2018 following the purchase of his Exige, Phil joined the Committee a few years later in 2020, along with his wife Katie, under the regalia and merchandise role.

In 2023 a new regalia and merchandise range and online shop were commissioned.

Christopher Brown

Christopher Brown

Elise S1

Chris is the newest member of the Committee joining in 2023 as the Club’s Treasurer.

With a good understanding and history of working in the finance and business sector, Chris is a welcome addition to the Committee and is currently working to bring Club policies and documents up-to-date.

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson

Committee Member
Exige 350 Sport

Richard, along with his wife Jennie, has been a member of the Lotus Drivers Club since the early 2000s, first joining the Committee in 2018.

Richard and Jennie have been organising popular and relaxed annual Club tours since 2009.

Russell Markham

Russell Markham

Committee Member
Elise S1 and Exige 410

Russell has been a member of the Lotus Drivers Club since 2010 alongside his wife Janine who owns her own Elise S1.

In late 2018 Russell joined the Committee supporting Janine in her role as Club Secretary whilst also developing ideas and initiatives to ensure the Club continues to move forward.

Mick Jaggard

Mick Jaggard

Committee Member
Evora S

Mick is the longest-serving Committee member having joined in the spring of 2002 as Club Treasurer, a role which he held up until 2021.

Club finances are arguably the most important aspect of any successful Club and Mick has seen the Lotus Drivers Club through over 20 years of sustained growth and continues to support the Committee today.

Martin Edwards

Martin Edwards

Committee Member
Exige 350 Sport

Martin joined the Lotus Drivers Club, along with his wife Gill, in 1999. During this time Martin has owned an Elan, Exige S1 and most recently an Exige 350.

Both Martin and Gill joined the Committee in 2003 as Regalia Secretaries and although this responsibility has since been passed on Martin continues to support the Committee through regular attendance at events whilst also co-organising the Club's display at the well-attended Silverstone Festival each year. Martin was also the Club’s Vice Chair for several years.

Gill Edwards

Gill Edwards

Committee Member
Exige 350 Sport

Having held the joint role of Regalia Secretary with her husband Martin for 16 years, Gill continues to support the Committee by co-organising the Club’s attendance at the Silverstone Festival each year.

Gill is also responsible for distributing the new membership welcome packs.

2024/25 Nominations

Please find a link below, for your consideration, to the committee nomination form which shows the current incumbent in each role and asks for any nominations you may have for any of these roles.

Please note that you, as the proposer, and the candidate must both be Club members and you must both agree to this form. Please note that the closing date for submissions via the form is 10 March 2024. Any received after this date will not be considered.